Grease and Debris Trigger Sewer Spill on Old Pearsall Road

Crews working on cleanup

San Antonio Water System crews are cleaning up a sewer spill that occurred at 7265 Old Pearsall Road. The spill is a result of grease and debris clogging sewer lines in the area. (See attached TCEQ notice for more details.) The spill was contained in a dry pond. No adverse effects are expected.

Grease, wipes, and debris are a major cause of sewer spills in San Antonio as well as across the country. SAWS recently launch an ad campaign to remind people that what they put down the drain or toilet clogs up lines. More on SAWS Pipes Don’t Lie campaign is here:

Under San Antonio’s EPA consent decree, SAWS will invest $1.2 billion in improvements to the city’s sewage infrastructure over the course of 12 years.


Download TCEQ Notice