stage 3 infographic

Stage 3 restrictions  begin when the 10-day rolling average of the Edwards Aquifer level drops to 640 feet mean sea level at the monitored well. Coming out of drought stages can be considered 15 days after the aquifer is above the trigger.

  • All restrictions from Stage 1 and Stage 2 remain in effect unless added to or replaced by Stage 3 rules.
  • Landscape watering with an irrigation system, sprinkler or soaker hose is allowed only once a week from 5 – 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. – midnight on your designated watering day, as determined by your address.
  • Watering with drip irrigation is allowed every Monday and Friday, but only from  5 a.m. – 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. – midnight.
  • Watering with a hand-held hose is allowed any time on any day.
  • All residential fountains and indoor commercial fountains can operate at any stage of drought. Outdoor commercial fountains must have a SAWS variance in order to operate during drought stages 1 through 4.
  • Washing impervious cover such as parking lots, driveways, streets or sidewalks is prohibited. Health and safety exceptions may be requested from SAWS here.
  • Residential car washing allowed during drought once per week on Saturday or Sunday as long as there is no water waste.
  • Learn more about requirements for non-commercial vegetable garden variances.
  • The use of SAWS-certified commercial car wash facilities is allowed any day.
  • Operators of golf courses, athletic fields, and parks must reduce watering per city ordinance. For requirements, call 210-704-SAVE.
  • Hotels, motels, and other lodgings must limit linen/towel changes to once every three nights, except for health and safety.

And don’t forget to follow these year-round rules:

  • Water waste is prohibited at all times. This includes lawn watering overspray and runoff.
  • Restaurants may serve water only on request (to reduce dishwashing).
  • Charity car washes allowed only at commercial car wash facilities.

Drought Surcharge

For single family accounts, the Stage 3 surcharge of $10.37 per thousand gallons will take effect for water use above 20,000 gallon a month.

Commercial irrigation surcharge amounts will vary based on water use and meter size.


Landscape watering with an irrigation system, sprinkler or soaker hose is allowed only once a week from 5 – 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. – midnight on your designated watering day, as determined by your address.

Areas without a street address, such as medians and neighborhood entryways, water on Wednesday.

Know Your Day Watering Schedule

The use of treated wastewater or recycled water for irrigation is allowed – without waste – any day during the restricted hours if the customer has posted proper signage approved by SAWS. Stage 3 restrictions continue until there is an announcement in the newspaper that Stage 3 has been canceled or that Stage 4 is in effect.