Under City Ordinance, food service/processing establishment (FSE/FPE) requiring the use of a grease interceptor will need to perform an annual inspection on the interceptor. A licensed plumber or other qualified professional approved by SAWS must perform the annual inspection. The written report must include photographs of all inlet and outlet fittings, internal baffles, walls, floor and all other internal structures.

Per Chapter 34 Article 5 Division 4 Sec 34-527(d)

(d) Interceptor inspection. Not less frequently than once per calendar year, each FSE and FPE shall cause a licensed plumber or other qualified professional approved by SAWS to inspect each interceptor. After evacuation of the Interceptor, the licensed plumber or other qualified professional approved by SAWS shall make a visual observation of and shall photograph all inlet and outlet fittings, internal baffles, walls, floor and all other internal structures.

SAWS Certified Interceptor Inspector List
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Each FSE and FPE shall cause the licensed plumber or other qualified professional approved by SAWS conducting the inspection to provide a written report of the inspection to the FSE or FPE that includes the photographs that are required by this section and that provides the name, address and telephone number of the licensed plumber or other qualified professional approved by SAWS conducting the Inspection, the date of the inspection, and a description of any defects observed during the inspection. All defects shall be corrected by each FSE or FPE within ninety (90) days of each inspection.

If you have questions regarding the annual inspection requirements or the San Antonio Water System’s Fats Oils & Grease Abatement Program, please contact us at greasebmp@saws.org or 210-233-3542.