Spring Showers Wash Away Drought Stage Watering Rules

In typical Texas-weather fashion, the rains came and stayed awhile — quenching (and drenching) San Antonio’s parched landscapes and bringing an end to Stage 2 and Stage 1 watering rules for now.

San Antonio’s investment in diverse water sources beyond the Edwards Aquifer, such as Vista Ridge, desalination and Aquifer Storage and Recovery, has brought water security to our city, helping us avoid the more severe watering cutbacks seen elsewhere in the region in recent years.

Thanks to plentiful rain in May, things are a little greener than usual heading into the dog days of summer — including our lawns.

In the absence of drought stage rules, you might be tempted to water more often to keep that lush, emerald turf from withering in the summer heat. If you do, don’t be surprised if your next water bill is a real soaker.

SAWS uses tiered pricing to encourage water conservation. So the more water you use, the more you’ll pay per gallon. But it also means you can save money quickly with small reductions in water use.

The good news is most lawn grasses and native plants rarely need more than one good, deep watering per week.

The best way to save water and money this summer? Stick to a one-day-per-week watering schedule. Better yet: Hand water using a hoseend spray nozzle. Your water bill will be lower, and you’ll also protect your lawn from fungus and diseases caused by overwatering.

You can also spruce up your yard with colorful, native plants that save water (and money) all year long with SAWS WaterSaver coupons and rebates. Learn more and apply online at GardenStyleSA.com/coupons.

For weekly, science-based watering advice and other timely tips, visit GardenStyleSA.com.