Underground Storage Tank (UST) Compliance Information

The San Antonio Water System (SAWS), Resource Protection & Compliance Department, performs annual inspections on regulated Underground Storage Tank (UST) facilities. The inspection will be performed in accordance to the provisions identified in City Code Chapter 34, Article VI, Division 7, (Underground Storage Tank Management) section 34-1009 (UST Management Ordinance 83200).

An annual inspection will be scheduled for your UST facility. During the inspection, a representative of SAWS will request the maintenance records and inspect the UST system. To help the facility achieve a compliant inspection, the following items will be necessary as they are considered part of the inspection. Information not received prior to or available at the time of the inspection will result in a non-compliant status for the facility inspection. The information requested may be faxed to Michael A. Escalante (210) 233-4671 or mailed to him at 2800 U.S. Hwy. 281 North, San Antonio, Texas 78212.

The following information is required:

  1. Recorded inventory volume measurements (daily);
  2. Testing of the UST system utilizing one of the following methods:
    • Third-party certification
    • “Precision tank test” which measures leak rates of at least 0.10 gph
    • Tank observation wells;
  3. Copy of current Proof of Insurance for the UST;
  4. Certification of corrosion protection, if applicable;
  5. Employees will be questioned on the proper procedures for small / large spills;
  6. Verification of small spill cleanup materials or kits on site;
  7. Written Accidental Release or Spill Procedures at the site;
  8. General sight inspection of dispensers & components, sub-pump containment’s and equipment, monitoring wells, seals and gaskets, probes, etc.;
  9. SAWS UST Management Program Permit;
  10. Current Monitoring Plan and Product Material Safety Data Sheets on file at the site.

Please use this checklist as a reminder to ensure that the facility is in compliance prior to our inspection. If any deficiencies are noted during the inspection, a “Non-Compliant” letter will be sent to the owner indicating the corrections needed. The owner will have thirty days (30) from written notification to correct the deficiencies noted. Deficiencies not corrected will result in enforcement actions as defined in Section 34-1031 of the Code. If no deficiencies are observed during the inspection, the owner will be sent a “Compliance” letter for the current year. If you have any questions concerning the UST inspection for your facility please call Michael Escalante at (210) 233-3517, mescalante@saws.org or Michael Barr at (210) 233-3522, michael.barr@saws.org.