Education is key to solving water issues today and those that will arise in the future. A skilled and water literate citizenry is vital. AquaEducators explores the world of water education in both formal and informal learning.
The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures. All of which are skills needed to bring new ideas and solutions to water issues. Aquatic Entrepreneurs highlights real life entrepreneurs that have made an impact on the water world.
The world faces water challenges that promise to become even more complex in the future. Skilled and knowledgeable leaders are vital to managing those challenges. The Art of Influence explores the attributes of effective water leaders and their ability to influence change.
Good verbal and written communication skills are essential to deliver information about the importance of water. Fluid Communicators explores communication skills and techniques necessary in today’s culture.
Water is essential to all forms of life. It is something that most of us take for granted, however in many parts of the world women and children walk miles to collect water daily. Global Water Issues explores the status of water in the world, the world of non-profit water organizations and how we can help bring water to areas in need.
A water engineer’s job involves repairing, maintaining, and building structures that control water resources. HydroEngineering explores the science and technology of moving water from its source to consumer and the movement of wastewater away from the consumer.
Water is a tasteless, odorless, and colorless chemical substance vital to all known forms of life. Nearly three quarters of the Earth’s surface is covered with it. Water Investigations explores the science of water and why it is so important.
Water we don’t use is our most important water resource. Water Watchers examines the idea of conservation. It explores water conservation methods on a personal as well as global scale.