SAH2O: A Speaker Series About San Antonio’s Most Important Resource

Need a speaker for that next event? San Antonio Water System has experts ready to lend a hand.

*Until further notice all presentations and field trips will only be offered virtually.

  • Choose from three topics to find out more about water in our community.
  • Presentations are 30 to 45 minutes long with a 15-minute question session.
  • Presentations are FREE of charge, but you must have a group of at least 10 people.
  • Please allow four weeks to schedule a presentation.

From Rain to Drain: The Story of San Antonio’s Water

Water is perhaps the most important resource in a community, but it’s also the resource we take for granted the most. Understanding where your water comes from, how it gets to you and what happens to it “after the flush” is the focus of the From Rain to Drain presentation. In this fun, informative presentation you will follow the journey water takes through our community — from the time it falls as rain all the way to wastewater treatment.


Sole Source to Diversity

The Edwards Aquifer is San Antonio’s primary source of water. But what you might not know is that we actually have several different sources of water. This presentation tells the story of how SAWS was able to meet the short and long term needs of the fastest growing city in the nation through the development of a diversified water supply portfolio.


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Conservation: Our Most Important Water Resource

San Antonio’s most affordable source of water is conservation — water we don’t use. That’s why our proven conservation programs have become a cornerstone of the community’s long-term water management strategy. Find out how you can be part of the plan from a SAWS Conservation expert. Choose the presentation topic that best suits your needs:

  • Conservation Program Overview
  • Landscape Design Basics
  • Landscape Maintenance for Seasonal Saving
  • San Antonio Watering Rules





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