Need plumbing repairs but can’t afford them? Help is available!

Water leaks often go unrepaired. This leads to water waste and high bills for many low-income individuals and families who cannot afford to pay. The Plumbers to People program is designed to break this cycle. Initiated in 1994, the Plumbers to People program provides emergency water leak repair assistance to low-income residential customers.

Types of eligible repairs include: leaking faucets, leaking toilets or broken pipes. Problems such as clogged pipes are generally sewer-related and not eligible for this program.


  • First apply for the Uplift program to determine income eligibility.
  • If you have a significant leak causing you to lose a lot of water, call 210-704-SAVE.
  • SAWS will periodically analyze your household usage to determine if it seems high for your family size. If we see the usage increasing, you may be contacted to determine if a leak is developing.


plumber fixing sink leakWho is Eligible?

You can apply for the Plumbers to People program if:

  • You are a SAWS water customer. (Sewer-only customers are not eligible for this program.)
  • You are the homeowner and occupant.
  • Your home value does not exceed $300,000.
  • You meet the income eligibility requirements.

Key Things to Know About Plumbers to People

  • SAWS has a plumbing contractor for the program. When leak services are started the plumber is given your name, address, phone number and a brief description of the problem.
  • The plumber contacts you directly to arrange a service call. You must keep the appointment. If you cannot keep the appointment, you must call the plumber and cancel 24 hours in advance.
  • Only plumbers under contract with SAWS are authorized to make repairs under this program. If you have the repairs made on your own, you are not eligible for reimbursement under this program.
  • There are lifetime limits to plumbing repair services provided.
  • Services apply only to repairing leaks.  Cosmetic repairs and upgrades are not provided.

For questions about this program, contact us at 210-704-SAVE.