Effective for all potable water consumption on or about January 1, 2023.

This fee directly funds the acquisition of new water supplies to reduce San Antonio’s dependence on the Edwards Aquifer.

The Water Supply Fee shall be assessed on all potable water service for water usage in every instance of service for each month or fraction thereof according to the schedule below:


Water Supply Fee
RATE CLASS Usage Gallon –
Block Threshold
Assessed Fee

Residential 4,000 $1.631
7,000 3.018
12,000 5.464
20,000 7.177
Over 20,000 10.194
General Base* $3.079
125% of Base 3.541
175% of Base 4.619
Over 175% of Base 5.389
Wholesale Base** $3.567
Over Base 7.134
Irrigation 8,000 $3.813
18,000 5.339
160,000 6.864
Over 160,000 8.770
Affordability Program 2,000 $  –
(Uplift Assistance Program) 6,000 1.650
10,000 2.475
15,000 4.125
Over 15,000 5.775
* The Base Use for General Class is defined as 100% of the Annual Average Consumption.
**The Base Use for the Wholesale Class is defined as 100% of the Annual Average Consumption or as agreed to by the wholesale customer and approved by the SAWS Board of Trustees.