Solve a water-use mystery
Large amounts of water can sink into the ground without any evidence left behind — especially if you live over the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone or near a green space. Most sprinkler systems can use up to 3,000-plus gallons every time you run them — is yours set properly? And there are multiple home fixtures that can drain water straight to the sewer without a trace. Solve the high water-use mystery now to save money throughout the year.

Let's Get Started
It’s summer and you get your water bill in the mail — it’s a big one, maybe higher than you’ve ever had before. You look around your home and think that nothing’s changed. You don’t hear running water or spot a large puddle.
More Ways to Save
There’s a lot of little things that together end up as this great big water wasting problem. Here are some tools and resources to help you on your way to water-saving savviness.