The focus of the Community Experience Committee (CEC) is to maintain a constant dialogue with our neighbors by educating and seeking feedback from a diverse group of community-oriented individuals on a range of topics to improve the overall customer experience. With many opportunities to connect with customers online and in the community, it’s more important than ever to ensure we are meeting customer expectations and even going above and beyond whenever possible.

February 11 – Meeting Agenda

11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

This meeting is being held in a hybrid state with a quorum of CEC members being physically present at SAWS HQ and the rest being in attendance via WebEx link.


Feb. 11 Meeting Agenda

Application for CEC Committee

SAWS is currently seeking applications from customers who are interested in serving on the Community Experience Committee.

Past Agendas

CEC Archive

Martin C Gutierrez Jr

Martin C Gutierrez Jr

District 1 Chair

Martin C. Gutierrez is director of Policy & Business Advocacy at San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a Master of Arts in Public Management from the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, and he has more than five years of experience as a public policy leader advocating for policies that foster economic growth and job creation.

Gutierrez said he was interested in serving on the SAWS Community Experience Committee to help ensure that the small business community has a seat at the table to help improve the overall customer service experience.

“For our more than 900 members, sustainable and affordable water services is a top priority as they run their operations,” he explained.

“I’m honored to serve as the first chair of this new committee, and I look forward to working with others from my community who are passionate about making a positive impact on how SAWS interacts with its customers.”

Jeremy Roberts

Jeremy Roberts

District 9 Vice Chair

Jeremy Roberts is a strategic consultant with Adobe, CEO of market consulting firm Left Brain + Right Brain, and an adjunct professor of marketing at Texas A&M San Antonio.

He’s involved with several community organizations, including the American Red Cross and San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and committees including St. Anthony Catholic School, VIA and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

“It’s an honor to work with other great advocates and identify where we can work together to help SAWS continue its path forward,” Roberts said of position as Vice Chair of the Community Experience Committee. “I want to help empower the impact that the CEC offers the community.”

Roberts is also co-host of AnalyticsTODAY Podcast and currently pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration at the University of the Incarnate Word.

Nadia Botello Nadia Botello
District 2
Melinda Lechuga Melinda Lechuga
District 4
April Monterrosa April Monterrosa
District 4
Damon Childs Damon Childs
District 6
Eric Maldonado Eric Maldonado
District 6
Ethan Gonzales Ethan Gonzales
District 7
Mitchell Sowards Mitchell Sowards
District 8
Darlene Dorsey Darlene Dorsey
District 9
Suzanne de Leon Suzanne de Leon
Outside City Limits
JR Trevino JR Trevino
Outside City Limits
Robert Werner Robert Werner
Outside City Limits